Frequently Asked Questions

The following will hopefully answer many of your questions but if not, we'd love to hear from you – email your question to [email protected]

Where is the pilot tiny home project being built?

What is being built?

  • 4 x single-occupancy tiny homes at 2.4m x 6m (14.4sqm).
  • 2 x common rooms – shared laundry and lounge rooms. 
  • Common green space and kitchen gardens.
  • Each home is single level and self-contained with full bathroom, kitchenette, sleeping/lounge.
  • Connected to mains water, electricity and sewer.
  • Steel frame, externally clad in weatherboard paneling, insulated with R3 batts,  internally clad with timber ply. 
  • Estimated cost $30k/home includes planning and design costs, complete fitout and connection to services. 

What are the origins of Tiny Homes Foundation and how is the pilot project funded?

Tiny Homes Foundation was established in 2015 by 3 Crowns Media Group’s (3CMG) directors, David Wooldridge and Kim Sundell. The pilot project is their initiative to solve homelessness – it is a ‘housing first’ solution not ‘housing only’. 3CMGroup is Australia’s largest action sports media company reaching 1.6 million people a month across three core markets of surf, snow, and motocross. Tiny Homes Foundation is an independent ACNC–registered charity and not-for-profit established as a company limited by guarantee and with DGR endorsement.

Who is responsible for construction?

Currently, tiny homes are being constructed at The Skills Generator with Work for the Dole participants.

Where can I see drawings and site plan?

NBRSArchitecture partnered with Tiny Homes Foundation to design and develop a single-occupancy self-contained affordable housing unit for people experiencing homelessness. The design is modest, robust and functional. Our DA and Section 96 plans and supporting documents are available via Central Coast Council's website. 

How is the project's design ecologically sustainable?

  • Homes are oriented north with large glazed entry doors to maximise solar access and natural light.
  • Walls and roof are insulated for thermal comfort, minimising the need for artificial heating and cooling.
  • Size and number of windows have been minimised to reduce heat loss in winter and heat load in summer. 
  • Shade awning controls seasonal solar access.
  • Rainwater is harvested from 100% roof area and plumbed to toilets and laundry. 
  • Appliances have low energy consumption.
  • Optional solar electric power and solar hot water.
  • Future homes will likely make better use of recycled materials, grey-water harvesting and other sustainable methods however our focus at this stage is demonstrating the pilot can be a success. 

What provisions are there for someone with a disability?

With respect to wheelchair access, we've been working with Wall to Wall Access Design and one of the four homes will be accessible by a ramp. The entry doors are 2.4m wide and it's all single level. The toilet will have grab rails but space is a challenge in only 14.4 sqm. Once we have the pilot up and running we'll have a chance to consider alternate designs that might more completely accommodate a wheelchair user. 

What is the project's current status?

  • Construction of a prototype is occurring at The Skills Generator workshop.
  • Reports are being finalised for Construction Certification in order to begin constructing on-site.
  • It is hoped homes will be occupied by mid-2017.

Can I buy one of your tiny homes?

At the moment, we're busy building the pilot project. Once completed we'll be looking at opportunities to fund further projects and expand the model.

How can I volunteer?

Please email [email protected] if you would like to volunteer your time and talents or goods and services. While we're a little tied up with the process at the moment there will definitely be ways to be hands-on in the future. Keep an eye on Facebook and Twitter for announcements.   

I'm currently homeless, how do I get to be a resident?

For urgent housing assistance please contact our support partner Pacific Link Housing on 02 43247617 or www.pacificlink.org.au. We'll be able to provide further details towards the end of the year as to how best to register your interest in residing in one of our tiny homes. 

How do I donate?

Thank you for so generously wanting to sponsor our project. We recently received our DGR status which means your donation can be tax deductible. We will be looking at setting up the right facilities to manage donations in the coming months. 

How do I replicate this project?

The first step for Tiny Homes Foundation was presenting the concept to Gosford City Council. Once we had their support then we felt comfortable working through the Development Application process. The next step was to connect with like-minded organisations who were specialists in their industry such as with The Skills Generator (training and construction) and Pacific Link Housing (social housing providers). 

Click to launch our Replicator Program guide  – its focus is Pre-planning – Council endorsement, land and funding. 

How will tenancies be managed?

We're working with Pacific Link Housing to assist with managing tenants, rental payments, and project maintenance.

I have a building solution you may be interested in, who should I contact?

Please send an introduction email to [email protected]. Once we have our pilot project up and running we'll have a chance to consider alternate build solutions and products. We're hoping to do this in 2017.