Welcome to Tiny Homes Foundation – solving homelessness one tiny home at a time

Tiny Homes Foundation is a not for profit organisation dedicated to providing socially, environmentally and economically sustainable affordable housing solutions.

Our pilot tiny home project in Gosford, NSW is an Australian first based on a "Housing-first" principles that prioritises housing for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness and then wraps around additional supports and services as needed.

Completed in May 2018, our pilot project has proved a most worthy alternative to homelessness for disadvantaged youth. Tenants have maintained their tenancies, their mental health has improved and they have engaged in education and employment.

Our partners, Pacific Link Housing and Coast Shelter, are continually impressed by the successful outcomes of the project and strongly advocate for more similar projects that bridge the gap between crisis accommodation and private rental. Our tiny homes have empowered residents to gain independent living skills so they can confidently transition.

A door has opened to a national conversation prioritising meaningful collaborations between landowners, social housing providers and NFP developers to jointly grow affordable housing stock and diversity – we look forward to being instrumental in this conversation.

To learn more, watch our story unfold:




