Tiny-home-on-wheels offers a versatile affordable housing solution
It's been just over 2 years since our tiny-home-on-wheels (THOW) arrived at Backtrack in Armidale.
Since July 2020 our THOW has been providing affordable accommodation for Backtrack youth during which 4 'tiny home' replicas (based on our Gosford Tiny Homes Pilot Project) have been built for additional housing.
"Each element of our residential program is designed to help young people develop the skills they need to confidently transition into semi- and independent living. Now that BackTrack has the four tiny homes available, these dwellings offer young people a transitional accommodation option that enables them to build tenancy history, while still accessing flexible, wrap-around support as needed. There has been plenty of interest from young people, so our Wellbeing Team and Warrah house parents have been supporting them to work their way through a life skills pathway and identify any areas they can improve upon before making a transition into this style of accommodation."
- Backtrack annual report 2021
Backtrack run some great projects and we look forward to doing more projects together!
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